Jul 4, 2023

UK and Netherlands seek to create new generation of specialist warships

The UK and the Netherlands have announced plans to develop a new class of specialist warships that will enable their renowned maritime forces to carry out landing operations on a variety of coasts around the world. The partnership between the two countries, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the UK-Netherlands Amphibious Force, took place in Den Helder, marking the oldest military partnership of its kind in Europe.

The new ships, called “Multi-Role Support Vessels”, will be designed to carry vehicles, boats, aircraft and armaments of the highly trained marines of the British and Dutch navies, enabling joint operations in response to global crises. This collaboration also aims to strengthen rapid deployment capability in Amphibious Task Forces, increasing influence and responsiveness in strategic areas for the UK and OTAN.

Both countries have demonstrated a commitment to deepening their cooperation for generations to come, based on a history of shared knowledge, training and equipment. The signing of the memorandum of understanding seeks to boost this partnership, seeking the next generation of littoral attack ships for the next 50 years of cooperation.

The UK and Dutch navies will continue to work together with the ONU, OTAN and the Joint Expeditionary Force, building on their strong relationship to meet future challenges.

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