In a groundbreaking partnership spanning continents, U.S.-based Saildrone and Thales Australia, a division of the renowned Thales Group headquartered in France, have unveiled plans to equip Saildrone’s Surveyor unmanned surface vessels with Thales’ advanced BlueSentry towed arrays. These cutting-edge systems are designed to detect and classify both surface and submerged crafts, marking a significant advancement in maritime surveillance technology.
The announcement of this collaboration coincided with the commencement of the Navy League’s prestigious Sea-Air-Space conference, underlining the strategic importance of this development within the defense sector.
The Department of Defense has long pursued the development of unmanned or autonomous platforms capable of effectively monitoring stealthy submersibles. Initiatives such as DARPA’s Anti-Submarine Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel program, launched over a decade ago, underscore the persistent efforts in this domain. The Navy’s vision for a hybrid fleet, integrating both manned and unmanned assets, reflects a broader strategic approach endorsed by defense leadership.
Troy Stephen, Vice President of Underwater Systems at Thales Australia and New Zealand, emphasized the unique capabilities offered by Saildrone’s Surveyor vessels within the realm of Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs). He expressed Thales’ eagerness to enhance the Surveyor’s already impressive maritime domain awareness capabilities through the integration of BlueSentry technology. Maritime domain awareness, crucial for understanding activities above and below the water surface, stands to benefit significantly from this collaboration.
Stephen highlighted Thales Australia’s longstanding commitment to delivering specialized sonar and acoustic products, particularly in support of key allies such as the United States. With a track record spanning over two decades, Thales has consistently delivered innovative solutions ranging from seismic survey equipment to advanced anti-submarine warfare systems.
The Surveyor USV, weighing 15 tons and boasting a length of 65 feet, features an aluminum hull and keel manufactured by Austal USA, adding to its robust design and capabilities.
Notable military figures, including Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti and Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Christopher Mahoney, recently observed Surveyor construction during shipbuilding tours along the Gulf Coast. Franchetti emphasized the significance of integrating unmanned assets into naval operations, noting their ability to complement manned platforms and enhance operational flexibility.
The partnership between Saildrone and Thales exemplifies the convergence of high-tech innovation with traditional shipbuilding expertise, promising to deliver cutting-edge solutions at scale. As the defense sector enters a new era of technological advancement, collaborations of this nature are poised to redefine maritime surveillance capabilities, ensuring enhanced security and situational awareness on the world’s oceans.
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